DESSERT Conference

DESSERT Conference – DEpendable System, SERvices and Technologies.
From the 2006 to 2021 about 2000 people took participation in DESSERT conference from 18 countries: Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chezh Republic, Germany, Greece, Iran, Italy, Luxemburg, Moldova, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Switzerland, Ukraine, UK, USA.
More than 900 peer-reviewed articles were published from 2006 till 2021 in scientific journals:
- special issue of "Radio-Electronic and Computer Systems" Journal (Ukraine, KhAI) ,
- Information & Security: An International Journal (Bulgaria, CSDM)
- Information and Management Systems (Slovakia, University of Zilina)
- Reliability: Theory and Applications International e-Journal
Since 2006 to 2021 in the organization of DESSERT Conference as the organizers the following organizations took part:
- National Aerospace University "KhAI", Ukraine
- Sevastopol Banking Institute, Ukraine
- Research and Production Corporation Radiy, Ukraine
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
- Poltava National Technical University, Ukraine
- Section IEEE-Ukraine
- Centre for Security and Defense Management, Bulgaria
- Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control, Russian Academy of Science, Russia
- Institute of Information Registration Problems
- Institute of Information Science and Technologies of CNR, Italy
- IT-Department and Information Security Department of National Bank of Ukraine
- Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- IT Ukraine Association, Ukraine
- Centre for Infrastructure-Oriented Research and Analysis, Ukraine
Nowadays the following organizations took part in the sponsorship of the DESSERT Conference:
- Research and Production Corporation Radiy, Ukraine
- CISCO systems, Inc.
Since 2006 to 2021 in the organization of DESSERT Conference as the information and media-partners the following organizations took part:
Since 2006 to 2021 in the organization of DESSERT Conference the following project partners took part:
regulation, analysis, modeling, development, verification, diagnostics and maintenance
hardware, software and human related components, computer systems, networks and infrastructures
- safety-critical (I&C systems of nuclear power plants and power grids, ground and boarding aviation and piloting space systems, railway automatics, computer-based health systems, etc.),
- mission critical (unmanned space systems, etc.)
- business-critical (banking systems, telecommunications, e-commerce, e-science, etc.) applications
taking into account requirements to
dependability including reliability, availability, safety, integrity, confidentiality, survivability, maintainability, resilience and so on.
Topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- Methodological aspects of dependable systems and networks. Taxonomies of dependability as integrated property of computer and telecommunication systems and networks. Detailing of "Development of dependable systems out of undependable components" paradigm. Component-based development of dependable systems.
- Dependability analysis and assessment. . Dependability and its attributes criteria, indicators and metrics. An analysis of the interconnection between dependability attributes. Dependability-oriented measurement. Tools and techniques.
- Fault- and intrusion- tolerance Methods and techniques of faults forecasting, prevention, detection, localization, masking (tolerance), removal. Assessment and ensuring fault-tolerance of VLSI-architectures (microprocessor-based systems, PLD, systolic arrays, etc.) and embedded real-time systems. Modelling, analysis and development technologies of fault- and disaster-tolerance of local, corporate and global computer networks
- Resilience and resilient systems Modelling, assessment and development of resiliente systems and networks. Multilevel degradation and removal of complex systems. Decision-making systems for resilient infrastructures.
- Evolvability and self*-systems
- SoPC and SiP microprocessor, PLD, ASIC and FPGA-based dependable systems and technologies
- Dependability and security of service-oriented systems Development and implementation of dependable web-services (e-commerce, e-education, e-science, etc.) and GRID-technologies. Monitoring and dependability assessment of composite web-services (exception handling, time analysis, reliability and availability evaluation, etc.). Dependability of data mining systems. Methods of modelling, assessment and improvement of infrastructures dependability.
- Dependability and maintainability of high performance systems
- High availability systems and technologies
- Resilience and security of web-, GRID- and Cloud computing-based IT-infrastructures
- Formal methods for development and verification
- Critical infrastructure dependability, security and survivability, interdependencies in critical infrastructures
- Reliability and rejuvenation of software and software systems
- Dependability and safety of human-machine systems Modelling, assessment and development of human-machine systems for critical applications (aviation, power systems, etc.)
- Multi-version technologies, systems and projects Requirements of international and national standards concerning use of diversity in different applications. Kinds of version redundancy and models of multiversity software and systems life cycle. Diversity metrics and methods of multi-version systems assessment. Experience of multi-version software and systems development and application.
- Ada technologies for critical applications
- Checking, testing, diagnostics and verification of components, computer systems, networks and technologies. Methods and tools of modelling, detection, localisation of physical, design and interaction faults.
- Functional safety of I&C systems for NPPs, airspace and other critical systems Taxonomy, methods and techniques of functional safety assessment and ensuring.
- Safety- and Assurance-Case methodology, techniques and tools
- Politics, methods and techniques of information security
- Nuclear and energy grid safety, self-healing smart grid
- Global aspects of security and safety: education, training, business, cooperation.
- Methods and techniques of information security. Homeland security;