Kulanov Vitalii

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Docent, Docent of Computer Systems, Networks and Cybersecurity Department, Radio Electronics, Computer Systems and Infocommunications Faculty, National Aerospace University "KhAI"

[email protected]


Author's profile in scientometric databases:

Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OOy3d4oAAAAJ&hl

Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=54911941800

ResearcherID https://publons.com/researcher/3104009/vitaliy-kulanov/



2005 – National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", specialist's diploma with honour.

2013 – National Technical Universirt " Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", candidate of engineering sciences diploma on specialty "Комп’ютерні системи та компоненти".

2016 – National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", docent certificate of computer systems and networks department.


Research interests:

  • Architecture of computer systems.
  • Database systems.
  • Internet of Things (IoT).
  • Cloud techologies.



Has over 15 years of experience in high-tech companies in Ukraine and abroad. Participates in the development of modern systems and software applications in the field of IoT, Cloud Computing etc.


Social activities: 

  • Deputy dean at Radio Electronics, Computer Systems and Infocommunications Faculty of the National Aerospace University "KhAI" (2014 - 2015).
  • Second place in the nomination "The best student mentor" of the professional skills competition "Icarus KhAI" (2014).



Laureate of Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists of 2015.




Providing academic disciplines:

  • "Component-based design".
  • "Computer systems design technologies".
  • "Computer electronics and circuitry".



Author of more than 25 publications.



Куланов В.О. Многоверсионные цифровые автоматы и элементы их синтеза. // Системи обробки інформації. – Х.: ХУПС, 2015. – Вип. 10(135). – С. 114–118.

A. Perepelitsyn, V. Kulanov. Scalable FPGA-based Projects via Static and Dynamic Parameterization Technique. // Proceeding of 10th IEEE International Conference on Digital Technologies “DT 2014”, Zilina, Slovakia, 2014. – P.170–173.

A. Perepelitsyn, V. Kulanov. Wide Parameterization of FPGA Projects: Educational and Research Aspects. // 10th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education (EWME-2014), Tallinn, Estonia, 2014. – P.124–126.

V. Kulanov, A. Perepelitsyn, I. Zarizenko. Method of development and deployment of reconfigurable FPGA-based projects in cloud infrastructure. // Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies DESSERT’2018, Ukraine, Kyiv, May 24-27, 2018. – p. 105-108.

Inna Kolesnyk, Artem Perepelitsyn, Vitalii Kulanov. Providing of FPGA Resources as a Service: Technologies, Deployment and Case-Study // Proceedings of ICTERI PhD Symposium 2017, Ukraine, Kyiv, Vol-1851, 2017. – p. 63-68.              

Куланов В.О. Методи та технології оцінювання і забезпечення функціональної безпеки інформаційно-управляючих систем критичного застосування [Рукопис] / Є.В. Бабешко, А.А. Коваленко, В.О. Куланов, А.О. Орехова. – Харків, "ХАІ", 2015. – 245 с.