The development of computer technology in the 60s and its introduction in all sectors of the national economy, including aerospace science and production, in September 1962 led to the objective need to create a general education department at the Kharkov Aviation Institute "Computing Engineering and Pulse Devices ".
The first staff of the department consisted of 6 teachers: the head of the department was Ivan Nikitovich Kornet, assistants Vyacheslav Alekseevich Popov, Victor Kuzmich Palagin, Nikolai Timofeevich Bereziuk (all graduated from KhAI in September 1962), Igor Vladimirovich Baryshev, Vladimir Ivanovich Lutsenko. The training and support staff consisted of the head of the training laboratories Konstantin Ivanovich Kirilenko, the training master Mosiy Makarovich Klimchuk, engineer Nikolai Petrovich Ozersky, laboratory assistants: Lidia Spiridonovna Blinovskaya, Igor Vladimirovich Kostin, Fedor Mikhailovich Nikhotin, Anatoly Grigoryevich Gerasenko.
In 1963, Ural-1, one of the first electronic computers in the USSR, was transferred to the department at a speed of 100 operations per second.
In 1964, the department was replenished with young teachers: Valery Borisovich Sharonov, Klaid Konstantinovich Furmanov, Nikolai Grigoryevich Korobkov, and since 1967 - assistants: Vladimir Ivanovich Gordienko, Yuri Ivanovich Yalinich, Victor Dmitrievich Bliznyuk, Petr Dmitrievich Danilchenko.
Since 1982, the department was renamed the Department of Electronic Computing Machines and Systems and becomes a graduate in the preparation of specialists in computer specialties.
A qualitative change and expansion of the areas of specialist training in the 80s and early 90s were organically associated with the development of computer systems, local and global networks.
Since 1990, the department was renamed the Department of Computer Systems of Aircraft and begins training in the specialty of specialized computer systems.
In 1999, the department began training in the specialty of computer systems and networks.
Since 2002, the department has been renamed the Department of Computer Systems and Networks.
Since 2004, the training of specialists in the field of system programming has begun.
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From 1962 to 1977 The department was headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Radio Engineering, Ph.D., Associate Professor Cornet Ivan Nikitovich. |
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From 1977 to 2000 The department was headed by the Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Berezyuk Nikolay Timofeevich From 1977 to 1981 - Dean of the Faculty of Radio Engineering. From 1981 to 1983 - Vice Rector for Research. From 1983 to 1998 - Rector of the Kharkov Aviation Institute. |
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Since 2001, the department was headed by the Honored Inventor of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kharchenko Vyacheslav Sergeevich Head of the Department of Guaranteed Systems and Technologies of the International Academy of Sciences of Applied Radio Electronics. |