Визит профессора Горбенко А.В. в Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK
17.10.14 15-28 сентября 2014: д.т.н., профессор Горбенко А.В, профессор кафедры компьютерных систем и сетей, декан факультета РТСЛА Национального аэрокосмического университете им. Н.Е. Жуковского "ХАИ", посетил Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK.
Вы можете ознакомиться со списком его публикаций в системе Google Scholar здесь: http://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=nm8TOtEAAAAJ&hl=ca&cstart=0&pagesize=20
Он был награждён грантом Scholar Scholarship под эгидой Европейской комиссии, что дало ему возможность читать лекции и проводить исследования в сотрудничестве с ассоциированными партнёрами PERCCOM. Исследования и преподавательская деятельность проводились в течение двух недель в Лидсе (Англия), и включали в себя:
- Обмен опытом исследований кафедры ХАИ и School of Computing, Technologies and Engineering, Leeds Beckett University (под управлением профессора Colin Pattinson)
- Мозговой штурм исследовательских идей по предложению Евросоюза
- Улучшение предложения EJD
- Обмен опытом и экспертиза программ магистерских курсов по специальностям Разработка и Тестирование ПО.
- Совместные публикации.
- Блоки лекций для повышения квалификации персонала и аспирантов
- Проектирование "облаков" и служб
- Мобильные клиенты и WiFi сети
- Технологии Big data
- Системная производительность, гарантоспособность и надёжность
Материалы лекций (слайды) Вы можете загрузить по ссылке с DropBox
Подробнее с темами лекций Вы можете ознакомиться ниже (на англ.):
Session 1: Cloud Deployment and Services
Lecture 1: Using Diversity in Cloud-Based Deployment Environment to Avoid Intrusions
The aim of this lecture is to discuss the development a generic intrusion-avoidance architecture aiming at decreasing the risk of intrusion and reducing number of days-of-risk by:
- employing the diversity of the system software components
- exploiting vulnerability information provided by vulnerability databases
- using cloud deployment environment supporting dynamical reconfiguration at run-time
Lecture 2: Performance Benchmarking and Statistical Analysis of Response Time Instability in SOA
The objectives this lecture are to:
- foster understanding the uncertainty of delays contributing to the Web Service (WS) response time (RT)
- network delay (RTT)
- request processing time (RPT)
- provide insights into various theoretical distributions to represent WS
- response time and delays contributing to the RT
- facilitate the understanding of whether uncertainty of WS and SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) can be predicted (be made more certain)
Lecture 3: Performance Benchmarking of Cloud-based Web Services:
MS Azure vs GoGrid vs In-house server
The objectives of this lecture are to:
- Discuss the benchmarking performance of Cloud-based Web Services: MS Azure vs GoGrid
- Provide insights into the uncertainty of delays contributing to the Cloud response time (RT)
- network delay (RTT)
- request processing time (RPT)
Session 2: Mobile Clients and Wi-Fi Networks
Lecture 4: Green service provisioning for mobile clients
The objectives of the lecture are to:
- Discuss the interaction scenarios of the various mobile technology stakeholders
- Foster the understanding of green WiFi trade-offs
- Provide insight into the enrgy consumption measurement for mobile related hardware and software, internal and external measurement tools/techniques
Lecture 5: Estimating Throughput Unfairness in a Mixed Data Rate Wi-Fi Environment
The objectives of the lecture are to:
- Provide some background information on Wi-Fi
- Introduce some relevant glossary of terms
- Introduce analytical models which assess:
- existing unfairness towards high speed clients and
- the overall network throughput degradation
Lecture 6: Contention Window Adaptation to Ensure Airtime Consumption Fairness in Multirate Wi-Fi Networks
The objectives of the lecture are to:
- Introduce some relevant glossary of terms
- Introduce mathematical models for estimating a fair size of stations Contention Windows (CW)
- Discuss a suboptimal lightweight distributed algorithm assuring airtime consumption fairness in multirate Wi-Fi networks via contention windows adjustment
Session 3: Big data technologies
Lecture 7: Java4BigData: Introduction to Big Data
The objectives of the lecture are to discuss the following:
- ACID and Transactions
- What is Big Data?
- CAP Theorem
- BASE paradigm
- NoSQL and NewSQL
- Distributed Data Processing
- SPRAIN and Total Data
- Java2BigData: Course Structure (implemented in KHAI, Ukraine)
Session 4: Systems performance dependability and reliability
Lecture 8: Service-Oriented Computing: Uncertainty, Dependability and Performance Trade-off
The topics addressed in the lecture are:
- Service-Oriented Computing: main challenges
- The Challenge of Dependability and Performance Uncertainty
- Where to look for solutions?
- Dependability and Performance Tradeoff
Lecture 9: Safety of Rocket-space Engineering and Reliability of Computer Control Systems and Software
The outline of the lecture is as follows:
- Background information to the context
- Information sources
- Spacecrafts and rockets launch and failures analysis
- Failure cause analysis
- Failures of on-board computer systems and software
- Risk compatibility between 1990th and 2000th
- Conclusions