International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications


Dear Colleague,

Please see below the first Call for PhD Symposium Papers of the 13th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization, and Knowledge Transfer (ICTERI 2017)

The PhD Symposium at ICTERI is organized for young researchers who are at the beginning of their career, such as Master or PhD students and also young researchers from industry. Our vision of the PhD Symposium at ICTERI is as of a venue that provides expert environment for the presentation of the tractable ideas and early results of PhD projects or other research aiming at receiving a PhD. Young researchers, who will join us to take part in discussions and/or present their papers, will be offered a rare opportunity to exchange and discuss their research ideas with their peers, supervisors, and senior scientists working in the fields within the scope of ICTERI 2017.

It is also planned to organize a PhD Mentor Panel as part of the ICTERI PhD Symposium 2017.

ICTERI 2017 will be hosted by Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv at Kyiv, Ukraine on May 15-18, 2017

Please consider ICTERI 2017 PhD Symposium for submitting your paper, informing your colleagues and peers about the event and its open calls.

More sources of information:

Important Dates:

(23:59 Hawaii time)

  1. Monday, 16.01.2017 – paper submission deadline
  2. Monday, 06.03.2017 – acceptance notification
  3. Monday, 10.04.2017 – camera ready papers
  4. Monday, 10.04.2017 - presentation drafts submission deadline
  5. Monday, 10.04.2017 – registration deadline
  6. 15.-18.05.2017– conference days