Student Safety&Security Club

Dear Friends!

Nobody will argue that information technologies (IT) can make our world better, solve many problems and make people happy.

It happens somehow when a brilliant IT idea is not brought into practice due to lack of knowledge to recognize the existing business opportunities that might be used to make our world happier. It is a challenge, but it's an achievable challenge. 

How to find the business opportunities for your IT ideas?

We just need to start from learning very simple issues.

To find the answers or at least to start thinking about this we invite you to attend the meeting of International Student Safety&Security Club (ISSSC). 

It will be held on Tuestday, 27.10.15, 16 pm, room 132 (KhAI campus, building of radiotechnical faculty).

Our topic: How to turn IT ideas into commercial success

Our speakers:

  1. Nnamdi Betrand, KhAI student, with topic: Developing and selling a computer game: business case analysis.
  2. Vlad Shevchenko, Alex Nekrasov, KhAI students, with topic: IT start ups: simple view from outside.
  3. Olga Cheverda, project manager, Entenso, IT business development for dummies. 

See you, ISSSC coordinator Brezhnev E.V.

Contact information: 788 – 46 – 39